
Still Alive

Wow! It’s been soooo long since I’ve even looked at this blog. So much to do and so little time. 😄 I’m still going to use Hugo for my blog, so I: updated Hugo on my laptop to the latest release, changed the theme to one that actually supports the latest Hugo, did a little bit of tweaking to make things work again and posted this.

New Website

I’ve decided to give Github pages a try, so that meant I needed to give a static website generator a try. I’m using Docpad right now. It seems like it has a lot of cool features and pretty easy to use. This template is pretty nice and was shamelessly borrowed from Ben Delarre’s blog.

Back in Business

Hmm… So the site was down for about a week while I waited for a paycheck to pay the server bill. Jeez, paying bills just sucks. ;) You know, the more I look at this site, the more I don’t like the look of it. A while back, I thought this was a nice template to use for the site, but now it just looks cluttered and very disorganized. All I have to do now is find some free time to get things looking better.